Material Handling Solutions

 Automated Robotic Palletizing Systems

What are palletizing robots?

Palletizing robots are a widely deployed end-of-line solution that can add speed and accuracy to warehouse operations.

There are two main ways that automated robotic palletizing systems work.

Speak to a Material Handling Professional

To learn more about palletizing systems, reach out to Tommy Ethridge by email or call directly at 662.260.2544.

tommy ethridge

First, individual containers are picked from a conveyor and placing them directly onto a pallet by a robot.
Another method is to incorporate two separate robots. One creates layers of cartons by picking or sliding cartons onto a base layer (plywood, for instance) and arranging them into a pre-programmed pattern. The second robot lifts the entire layer and places it onto a palette.
Photo-eyes identify the carton size, type, and contents as they arrive in the palletizing area. These cameras guide the robots in regard to location position and orientation as they approach the palletizing station, as well as signaling real-time modifications to the end-or-arm tool for varying package dimensions when programmed for multiple package types.

Further automation can occur in the palletizing area, such as a pallet conveyor, chain transfers, or turntables that move completed pallets to the shipping area, in place of a forklift operator.


Palletizing Robots

  • System design and engineering

  • Discrimination of multiple package size and type

  • Fully automated de-packing, packing, pallet conveyor

robotic cell for automated palletizing system

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